Online Reputation Management

5 Reasons to Respond to Customer Complaints

We’ve all heard the saying: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” However, when it comes to online customer complaints, this advice couldn’t be further from the truth. Left unchecked, negative customer feedback will damage your business. When handling customer complaints, the right answer is never to ignore them. You might not be able to change what happened, but you can control how you respond. In the customer’s mind, not responding is a response, and your silence speaks volumes. Research shows that customers overwhelmingly favor businesses that respond quickly (within two to three days) to all reviews—positive or negative. Addressing negative feedback might not be fun, but it is essential in building brand loyalty and protecting your reputation among consumers. Read on for five reasons why responding to customer complaints is important. 1. Manage your...

5 Ways to Keep Your Social Media Accounts from Undermining Your Brand

First things first. You need to know that you can spend years building your brand and then lose it all in just one week, or even one day, with a “bad” social media post. That’s why you need to know how to navigate this landscape safely. It can feel overwhelming to monitor everything people are saying about your brand on LinkedIn, Facebook/Meta, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter/X, and more. Unlike with a website, where content can be carefully curated, social media is a free-for-all. Other users have the ability to interact with your content in a way that can promote or destroy your brand. The spontaneous nature of social media keeps things fresh and authentic, but it also makes things risky. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your social media is working for you, not against you. How do you ensure this? Start with these five tips. 1. Evaluate Your Social Media Presence Start by...

How to Choose the Best Online Reputation Management Company for Your Business

In an age of digital reliance, your organization’s online presence is its most valuable tool in connecting with clients. But how do you make sure your online presence represents you well? A reliable and knowledgeable online reputation company is the key. It will make sure your brand not only stands out but also stands up to scrutiny. How Can an Online Reputation Company Serve My Business? Your company’s online presence is a peek into your company culture and how you do business. A reputable brand management company will successfully monitor and control your online reputation in a variety of ways. Content Strategy An online reputation company will work to make sure your content reflects your company’s identity. Strategic content like blogs, videos, and infographics can help establish you as an authority in your industry. Social Media Whether it’s suggesting content or...

Online Reputation Management, Protecting Your Name’s Integrity

Long gone are the days of creating a blog or posting a simple press release to build a positive name for you or your company online.  Corporations now invest tens of thousands a year, even a month, to build or protect their online integrity.  If you plan on growing your company, finding investors or running for office, your online reputation is everything. What if there’s old news that haunts you?  What if you or your name is slandered online? What if you don’t have any reputation at all?  How could someone as professional and established as yourself have nothing online, let alone nothing to talk about how great of an entrepreneur or politician you are? With successful results in creating positive content, online PR and more, you can rest easy knowing that can assist you or your company in establishing positive assets about you to show up online. We...

Warren Buffet Said It Best

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.

Online Reputations; They Matter More Than You Think

With how much the internet has grown over the last two decades, its global reach is a blessing for most, but a curse for many. All it takes is one bad review or article about your company to send it into a PR nightmare. For many large business it is virtually impossible to satisfy all customers. The problem is not that the business does not want to satisfy all customers, but when you service millions of customer a year you are bound to have some wires cross on at least a few customers. Even if you had 5,000 complaints out of a million customers, you are doing exceptional, because that means your satisfaction rate is 99.5%. Not too shabby. What do you do though if a few bad apples set out to express their dissatisfaction online and give you a bad reputation online? While at face value this may not seem like a big deal, one negative post could show up on page 1 of a search engine when...

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